Remember Me: Honoring Our Ancestors from Around the World-2024 Skip to main content
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Remember Me: Honoring Our Ancestors from Around the World

Friday, November 01
11:00 AM - 5:30 PM
WSC Garden Court

The Office of Belonging, BYU Library Family History Center, and College of Humanities invite you to join us for a special event: "Remember Me: Honoring Our Ancestors from Around the World." Come celebrate our common identity as children of God and members of His family. Discover cultural traditions of honoring ancestors and learn about campus resources that foster connection and belonging.

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Tag #BYURememberMe @byuofficeofbelonging to share about your experiences during the week!

This event coincides with the week of the Day of the Dead (Día de los Muertos) tradition. Departments and services across campus will come together to represent various ways countries worldwide honor and celebrate their ancestors. Remember Me will run concurrently with related events celebrating the Day of the Dead by Multicultural Student Services, International Student Services, the Museum of Peoples and Cultures, and others.

Interested in having your BYU department, office, club, or other entity be part of this event? Learn more.

More details about Remember Me and related events are coming soon!