Switzerland Reference Materials
- Switzerland Genealogy (FamilySearch Research Wiki)
- Swiss Word List (1981)
- Genealogical Research Sources in Switzerland: Major Genealogical Sources in Switzerland, Their Availability and Practical Use: World Conference on Records and Genealogical Seminar (1969)
- Records of Genealogical Value for Switzerland (1982)
- Localities and Parishes of the Canton Bern, Switzerland
- Researching Switzerland SwissGen
- Researching Switzerland (oversize papers)
- Zürich Location References
- Using Swiss Reference Research Tools
- The Role of the Family in Swiss Rural and Urban Life
- Switzerland Basic Reference Aids for Genealogical Research
- Switzerland Research Materials
- Swiss Records Register Description Sheet
- Swiss Records
- Swiss Maps
- Sources for Finding Places of Origin in Germany and Other European Countries
- Sweden Selected Bibliography
- Resolving Swiss Genealogical Research Problems
- L'Immigration Suisse dans les paroisses du Comté de Nassau-Sarrewerden après la Guerre de Trente Ans (1971)
- Genealogical Research in the French Speaking Parts of Switzerland Including Swiss Huguenot Records
- Genealogical Research in the French and Italian Speaking Cantons of Switzerland
- Census Records
- Basic Information for Swiss Research (1993)
- Anglicized Spellings of Swiss Surnames
- Other Resources Switzerland
- Passport Records in Switzerland Conserved in State Records
- The Swiss Who Left: Tracing American Origins in Switzerland
- Swiss Church and Vital Records